Hypertension: The Ayurvedic Concept

Table of Contents


    Ayurveda presents five different etiological conditions of Hypertension, which are called

    1. Pittavrita Prana,
    2. Pittavrita Udana,
    3. Pittavrita Samana,
    4. Pittavrita Vyana, and
    5. Pittavrita Apana. 

    The Pranavayu (Oxygen) to be less active with the bodily heat is the main cause of Pittavrita Prana. The morbid condition of cardiovascular dilatation affected by the aggravated function of the nervous system, which is concerned with the inhaling activity for mobilization of oxygen, can result in the symptoms of hypertension. 

    The Udanavayu (Carbon dioxide) to be reversed back to the blood circulation with the effect of bodily heat is the main cause of Pittavrita Udana. The morbid condition of the pulmonary vein’s dilatation affected by the aggravated function of the nervous system, which is concerned with the exhaling of carbon dioxide, can result in the symptoms of hypertension. 

    The Samanavayu (the function of the portal vein) to be aggravated with the toxic effect is the main cause of Pittavrita Samana. The morbid condition of the aggravated nervous system, which is concerned, with the activities of digestion and assimilation can result in the symptoms of hypertension. 

    The Vyanavayu (the function of the general blood circulation) to be aggravated in the condition of over volume of blood is the main cause of Pittavrita Vyana. The morbid condition of the general blood vessel’s dilatation affected by the aggravated function of the nervous system, which is concerned with the activity of blood circulation, can result in the symptoms of hypertension. 

    The Apanavayu (the function of the excretory organs) to be aggravated with the effect of infection is the main cause of Pittavrita Apana. The morbid condition of renal or rectal blood vessel dilatation affected by an aggravated nervous system, which is concerned with the activities of excretion of urine, stool, etc. can result in the symptoms of hypertension.

    The morbid condition of the blood vessel’s dilatation especially of the veins depends upon heat radiation from the decomposed sour, salty, pungent, or greasy things. In general, anything, which is sour or salty or pungent or greasy, if is accumulated in the body, the heat radiation from them causes over flow of blood and dilate the affected blood vessels, this morbid condition is defined as a Pittadosa, the Ayurvedic word to indicate the pathogenic agent, which causes local inflammation or blood vessel’s dilatation. 

    Heat, in general, stimulates the function of the nervous system. The overstimulation of the nervous system is defined as a Vatadosa, the Ayurvedic word to indicate the pathogenic defect, which causes disturbances of the nervous functions related either to inhaling (Prana) or exhaling (Udana) or digestion (Samana) or blood circulation (Vyana) or excretion of bodily dirt (Apana). 

    In regard to this theory of Ayurveda, the fundamental cause of hypertension whatever may be the character of it, is the overbalanced functions of the vein system and the nervous system (Vata-Pitta). 

    It is well investigated that some diseases e.g. stroke (paralysis), fainting, hemorrhage, nephritis, headache, dizziness, constipation, gastritis, carditis or endocarditis, diabetes, obesity, fever, etc. in the condition of Vata-Pitta can have Hypertension. 

    The heart is the center of the veins, the overbalanced functions of them, by nature, affect the function of the heart. The brain is a center of the nerves, the overbalanced functions of them, by nature, affect the brain. In this sense, the significance of Vata-Pitta concerning particular diseases is the overbalanced function of the heart and the brain. In this morbid condition, the heart circulates more blood towards the brain and the brain can not mobilize the blood to flow down in the same process, that is, in fact, the state of hypertension. In general, the cerebral blood vessels must have regular blood circulation for in and out transition, which is a sign of normal blood pressure. 

    Hypertension, whatever may be the etiology of it, finally causes cardiovascular defects (dilatation), which is the significance of chronic hypertension. In this condition, the main symptoms of hypertension e.g. hot sensation, headache, dizziness, fear, uneasiness, irritation, and insomnia with other related organ syndromes that depend upon the character of it, come and go. In general, anything, either food or behavior, which increases heat aggravates the symptoms of high blood pressure.

    Excessive or daily indulgence in sour, salty or pungent things; greasy foods; alcoholic drinks; hot tea or coffee; hot spices; meat; heavy labor; exercise; anger; anxiety; shock; overthinking, etc. are the aggravating agents of high blood pressure. 

    The general treatment of high blood pressure (Hypertension) depends upon the drugs to restore the balance of the nervous system and the vein system, the medicine for individual etiology, and the medicine to maintain regular blood circulation. The medicine, which restores the balance of the nervous system, includes bitter plants, which should have dilatory effects. 

    The medicine, which restores the balance of the vein system, contains sweet, astringent, and bitter things with laxative drugs. 

    The medicine for individual etiology should be arranged according to the particular character of hypertension. 

    The medicine to maintain regular blood circulation contains the drug, which is prescribed for long life and good health. This kind of drug is called “Rasayana”. 

    Causes of Hypertension

    The fundamental cause of hypertension is the overactive heart, which aggravates the function of the vein system (Pitta), and the overactive brain, which aggravates the function of the nervous system (Vata). The combined aggravation of overbalanced functions of the nerve and vein or the brain and the heart is called “Vata-Pitta”, the Ayurvedic term to indicate the symptoms of hypertension.

    Ayurveda presents five different etiological conditions of hypertension, which are called “Pittavrita Prana, Pittavrita Udana, Pittavrita Samana, Pittavrita Vyana, and Pittavrita Apana”. 

    The condition of hypertension, which is called “Pittavrita Prana”, is concerned with the disturbed inhaling function of the aggravated respiratory nervous system. In this condition, the dilated cardiovascular system circulates more blood towards the brain and the brain can not mobilize the blood to flow down for natural in and out transition. The Pranavayu (Oxygen) to be less active with the bodily heat effect is the main cause of it. The amount of sour, salty, pungent, or greasy things, whatever the kind of it, to be high in the blood, results in abnormal heat. This kind of hypertension is common to a person who has a blood-type nature. A robust body, aggressive nature, courageous and venturous activities, ego, selfishness, dominating personality, voracious eating, less compassion, difficulty being under the control of someone or social discipline, and pride are the caricatures of the blood-natured person. 

    The condition of hypertension called “Pittavrita Udana” is concerned with the disturbed exhaling function of the aggravated respiratory nervous system. In this condition, the dilated cardiovascular system circulates more blood towards the brain and the brain can not mobilize the blood to flow down for natural in and out transition. The Udanavayu (carbon dioxide) to be reversed back to the blood circulation with the effect of bodily heat is the main cause of it. The amount of sour, salty, pungent, or greasy things whatever the kind of it, to be high in blood results in abnormal heat. This kind of hypertension is common to the person who is suffering from long-standing worries, fear, and heart problems. 

    The condition of hypertension called “Pittavrita Samana” is concerned with the disturbed digestive function of the aggravated intestinal nervous system. In this condition, the overactive heart and brain result in the same morbid character of hypertension called “Pittavrita Prana”. The poisonous effect, which dilates the portal vein, is the main cause of it. It is common for someone who has had food poisoning or prolonged use of toxic drugs.

    The condition of hypertension called “Pittavrita Vyana” is concerned with the aggravated nervous system, which is connected with the general blood circulation. In this condition the overactive heart and the brain result in the same morbid character of hypertension called “Pittavrita Prana”. Over volume of the blood is the main cause of it. It is common to the person, especially a woman who has a blood-typed nature with a luxurious life and without exercise. 

    The condition of hypertension called “Pittavrita Apana” is concerned with the aggravated nervous system, which is connected with the excretory function of the kidney and the colon. In this condition, the overactive heart and the brain result in the same morbid character of hypertension called “Pittavrita Prana”. Blockage of the excretory function, whatever may be the cause of it is the main cause of it. It is common to the person who has problems with the kidney, rectum, etc. 

    Hypertension whatever may be the etiological condition of it can be worse with excessive or daily indulgence in sour, salty, or pungent things either in the form of foods or drugs; greasy foods; especially fatty or oily food preparations; alcoholic beverages; hot tea or coffee; hot spices; meat or fish; heavy labor or exercise; anger shock; over thinking; hard work with responsibility or risk, etc.

    Symptoms of Hypertension

    Heavy and slow pulses, dizziness, headache, hot sensation, insomnia, irritation, uneasiness, anxiety, and fear are the general symptoms of hypertension. 

    Hot sensations, dizziness, headache, fainting, acid burping or vomiting, and heart burning are the main symptoms of hypertension with the character of “Pittavrita Prana”. Fainting is not common unless the blood pressure is very high. In general, the patient feels better when he vomits or gets cooling relaxation. At the beginning stage, there are no symptoms of heart disease or problems however; some symptoms of heart disease can be identified in the chronic stage of hypertension. The symptoms of acid burping or vomiting and heart burning always cause confusion of gastritis and the treatment of gastritis also makes better for a while. However, it is very important to pay attention to the diagnosis that the symptoms of gastritis with high blood pressure are the main significance of hypertension with the character of “Pittavrita Prana”. This condition is not known and is treated improperly, finally, the patient suffers from chronic hypertension with the problems of heart disease, which is very difficult to cure.

    Hot sensation, dizziness, headache, breathlessness, difficulty with the function of the chest, and collapsing weakness are the main symptoms of hypertension with the character of “Pittavrita Udana”. The symptom of breathlessness with the uneasy feeling in the chest is the main significance of it, which can be confused with asthma or some other problems of the lung. In this case, the problems of the heart can be identified from the beginning stage. This kind of hypertension is very difficult to cure and is dangerous. 

    Hot sensations, fainting, thirst, excessive perspiration, and loss of temperature and appetite are the main symptoms of hypertension with the character of “Pittavrita Samana”. Hot sensation with less temperature is the main significance of it. This condition is not being known and treated improperly, finally, the patient suffers from mild chronic hypertension with some other problems of the heart and the brain. 

    Hot sensations, body aches, general weakness, stiffness, and jerking are the main symptoms of hypertension with the character of “Pittavrita Vyana”. Neuralgic symptoms are the main significance of it. This condition is not being known and treated improperly, finally, the patient suffers from chronic hypertension with other problems of the heart and the brain. 

    Dark yellow urine and stool, burning sensation of the urinary organs and rectum, and early menstruation are the main symptoms of hypertension with the character of “Pittavrita Apana”. The symptoms of urinary infection are the main significance of it. This condition is not being known and treated improperly, finally, the patient suffers from chronic hypertension with some other symptoms of the heart and the brain. 

    Hypertension whatever may be the character of it not being treated properly, can be the cause of stroke (paralysis) or heart failure. It is especially true in the case of hypertension with the character of Pittavrita Prana or Pittavrita Udana.

    Prevention from Hypertension

    Regular tests for blood pressure must be carried out. If the blood pressure is high, whatever may be the cause of it, greasy foods e.g. oil, ghee, butter, fat, peanut butter, etc., or food preparations made from any of them: sour, salty, or pungent things e.g. acid fruits, yogurt, vinegar, salty foods, chili, hot spices, etc; hot tea or coffee; meat and fish; roasted, fried or burnt food preparations; alcoholic beverages, etc. should be strictly avoided in the diet. 

    Mild laxative drugs are useful to take regularly. 

    Complete rest and a peaceful atmosphere are very essential. The practice of deep perspiration is beneficial. 

    A morning walk is good if the atmosphere is not very cold. 

    The air-conditioned room is very harmful. The sleeping room should be well-ventilated with fresh air. 

    Overindulgence in sex is strictly prohibited. 

    There should not be any disturbances during the time of sleeping. 

    Any diseases of the heart, gastritis, nephritis, constipation, obesity, diabetes, headache, hemorrhage, fainting, dizziness, etc. should be diagnosed very well and treated as soon as possible with proper diet. 

    Withholding the urges of stool, urine, or gas, consciously or unconsciously, is very harmful. 

    To be away from threatening conditions, loud noise, and air pollution is very important. 

    Ayurvedic Treatment of Hypertension

    The general treatment of hypertension is based on drugs, which restore the balance of the nervous system and the vein system, counteract the individual etiological characteristics, and maintain regular blood circulation. 

    The medicine, which restores the balance of the nervous system, should not aggravate the function of the vein system. Sweet, sour, or salty drugs greasy drugs, or some drugs, that have dilatory effects, are beneficial to restore the balance of the nervous system. But, all these drugs except sweet drugs aggravate the function of the vein system. The medicine, which restores the balance of the vein system, should not aggravate the function of the nervous system. Sweet, bitter, or astringent drugs or drugs, that have a constrictory effect (refrigerants) or counteracting effect to grease, are beneficial to restore the balance of the vein system. But, except sweet drugs, all other drugs aggravate the function of the nervous system. In regard to this principle, some bitter plants, which have dilatory effects along with neutralizing sweet drugs, have to be prescribed in the treatment of hypertension. Bitter plants with dilatory effects along with neutralizing sweet drugs counteract the aggravated function of the nervous system (the brain) and the vein system (the heart). Guduchiyoga, a compound of Tinospora cordifolia with some other plants is one of the best remedies of hypertension to restore the balance of the nervous and the vein system (Vata-Pitta). It is very important to pay attention that to reduce the tension of high blood pressure, some mild laxative drugs should be prescribed side by side with Guduchiyoga. The aim of laxative drugs is to stop to some extent the assimilation of bile etc., which increases the bodily heat. This treatment should be continued until the blood pressure is normal. 

    The medicine, which counteracts the individual etiological characteristics, depends upon the conditions of hypertension. The treatment of hypertension with gastric symptoms should be treated with the drugs of gastritis along with the regular drugs of hypertension to restore bodily balance. The treatment of hypertension with the symptoms of pulmonary diseases should be treated with the drugs of asthma along with the regular drugs of hypertension to restore bodily balance. The treatment of hypertension with the symptoms of loss of appetite and perspiration should be treated with the digestive drugs along with the regular drugs. The treatment of hypertension with the symptoms of neuralgia should be treated with the drugs of arthritis (nerve tonic) along with regular drugs. The treatment of hypertension with the symptoms of dark yellow urine should be treated with the drugs of urinary infection along with regular drugs.

    The medicine, which maintains regular blood circulation, is called “Rasayana”, the Ayurvedic word to indicate the property of the drug, which increases immunity for long life and good health. Shilajaturasayana, a compound of bitumen (rock secretion) with some other plants, or Guggula Rasayana, a compound of Balsamodendron Mukul with some other herbs, is one of the best Rasayana. It is prescribed at least for 3-6 months. It is well investigated that the effect of Rasayana drug restores the natural balance of the three major bodily systems e.g. the nervous system, the vein system, and the artery system. The function of the nervous system controls and regulates the function of the artery system and the function of the artery system controls and regulates the function of the nervous system. They have bilateral coordination. The function of both the nervous system and the artery system together control and regulate the function of the vein system and the function of the vein system controls and regulates the function of them. This is the natural balance of the three major bodily systems. 

    In this condition, the brain, which is the center of the nervous system functions in the proper way to mobilize the regular function of the heart which is connected with the blood circulation through the veins and arteries. In regards to this fact, the Rasayana drug is harmless to prescribe in any condition of hypertension for the maintenance of regular blood circulation. Regular blood circulation, in another sense, is significance of health.

    Prohibited Foods

    The patient with hypertension should know that the proper diet and the proper behavior play a major role in controlling the tension of high blood pressure.

    • Excessive or daily indulgence in salt, especially sea salt;
    • sour fruits e.g. tomato, tamarind, plum, orange, lemon, citron, mango, pineapple, etc.;
    • sour foods e.g. yogurt (curd), fermented foods, vinegar; hot
    • spices e.g. chili etc.;
    • greasy foods e.g. milk, oil, ghee, butter, fat, peanut butter, etc.;
    • oily or greasy food preparations; meat and fish;
    • alcoholic beverages;
    • hot tea or coffee;
    • fried, roasted, or burnt food preparations

    Prohibited Behaviors

    • Smoking;
    • heavy labor or exercise;
    • anger;
    • anxiety;
    • shock;
    • overthinking;
    • hard work with responsibility or risk;
    • unnecessary discussion;
    • withholding the urges of stool, urine, gas, etc.;
    • air-conditioned room;
    • disturbance during the time of sleeping, etc.


    Some nutritive foods e.g. milk and milk products, meat, fish, fruits, etc. which are listed in the prohibited foods, can be taken moderately when the blood pressure is normal. Otherwise, the patient feels very weak and the aggravated nervous system causes more trouble.


    Dr. Mana Bajra Bajracharya
    Ayurvedic Clinic
    Mahabouddha, Kathmandu, Nepal

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