Shalakya Tantra: The Ayurvedic Concept of Cranial Organo Medicine

Table of Contents

    Introduction: Shalakya Tantra

    Shalakya Tantra, in Sanskrit शालाक्य तन्त्र, also known as शल्य चिकित्सा तन्त्र, the section of Cranial Organo Medicine, follows the school of Videhadhipati Janaka. The original text of Janaka is not available, however, the reference to this text is mentioned in the ancient Ayurvedic book Susruta Samhita, which is very important to study. This section deals with particular diseases of the organs located in the head. The main subjects of Cranial Organo Medicine are Cerebropathy, Otopathy, Rhinopathy, Ophthalmopathy, Labiopathy, Gingivopathy, Dentopathy, Glossopathy, Palatopathy, and Pharyngopathy.


    The cerebropathy deals with the proper diagnosis and treatment of the particular diseases of the brain. The main diseases related to the brain are headache, cerebrovasculitis headache, encephalitis, meningitis, cerebrospinal pain, cerebrospinal fever, atrophy, hydrocephalus, sinusitis, migraine, parkinsonism, neoplasm, etc.


    The diagnosis and treatment of ear diseases are the subjects of Otopathy. Generally, the outer parts of the ears are observed to be affected by conditions such as edema, infections, tumors, erysipelas-like inflammations, abscesses, sporotrichosis, rigidity, condylomas, issues with piercings, and infections of earring sites. Earache, otitis, otorrhea, itching, ear wax infection, varicosis, purulent otitis media, eustachian tube discharge, and eardrum tearing are diseases of the middle part of the ears. Deafness, ear noise, tinnitus, infection, etc are connected to the inner part of the ears.


    The proper diagnosis and treatment of the diseases connected with the nose are the subjects of Rhinopathy. The primary conditions affecting the nose include influenza, the common cold, rhinitis, infections, epistaxis (nosebleeds with pus), hay fever, frequent sneezing, rhinorrhea (nasal discharge), sensations of burning, catarrhal secretions, nasal atrophy, polyps, swelling (edema), loss of smell (anosmia), tumors (neoplasms), and sinusitis, among others.


    The ophthalmopathy deals with the proper diagnosis and treatment of the eye diseases. The diseases of the eye are classified into six groups. These groups are concerned with the 1) eye joint, 2) eyelid, 3) episclera, 4) cornea, 5) eyeball, and 6) lens. 

    Eye Joint Diseases

    Conditions such as hypopyon in the lacrimal area, nodules at the junction of the eyelid and sclera, melanoma, and abscesses in the iris region represent various diseases of the eye joint.

    Eyelid Diseases

    Diseases of the eyelid include conditions such as chalazion, melanoma, trachoma, crusty pimples, warts, xanthelasma, sties, edema, blepharitis, black eyelid, ankyloblepharon, paralysis, neoplasms, eyelid twitching, angioma, blepharitis, perforations, blepharoptosis, and loss of eyelashes, among others.

    Episclera Diseases

    Conditions affecting the episclera include pterygium, episcleral spots, varicose veins, and angiomas, among others.

    Cornea Diseases

    Corneal ulcers are conditions affecting the cornea.

    Eyeball Diseases

    Conjunctivitis, glaucoma, atrophy, ophthalmitis, ophthalmodynia, muscular stiffness, neuritis, ophthalmia, vasculitis, etc are the diseases of the eyeball.

    Lens Diseases

    Cataracts, daytime or nighttime vision impairment, hazy eyesight, distorted color perception, degeneration, refractive errors like nearsightedness, and more are conditions affecting the eye’s lens.


    The diagnosis and treatment of the diseases connected with the lips and cheek are the subjects of labiopathy. The main diseases of the lips and cheek are cracking, dry, and painful pimples with inflammation, bleeding pimples, enlarged condition, discharging grease, traumatic swelling, herpes simplex, cold sore, neoplasm, stomatitis, etc. The cheek particularly is related to neoplasm and stomatitis.


    The gingivopathy deals with the diagnosis and treatment of the diseases of the gum. Gingivitis, acute gingivitis, bleeding, pyorrhea, ulceration, abscess, sinus, periodontitis, swelling, muscular growth, stomatitis, etc are the main diseases of the gum.


    The diseases of the teeth with diagnosis and treatment are the subjects of Dentopathy. Toothache, cavity, painful sensation, cracking tartar, loss of enamel, blue teeth, loose teeth, malocclusion, etc are the main diseases of the teeth.


    Glossopathy includes diseases of the tongue with the proper diagnosis and treatment. Glossitis, ulceration, cracking, thrush, burning pain, loss of sense, bad taste, paralysis, swelling, ranula, dryness, etc are the main diseases of the tongue.


    Palatopathy deals with diseases concerning the palate for diagnosis and treatment. Palatitis, acute palatitis, polyps, atrophy, neoplasm, nodules, swelling, infection, ulceration, dryness, etc are the main diseases of the palate.


    The pharyngopathy includes the diseases of the throat with proper diagnosis and treatment. Pharyngitis, acute pharyngitis, diphtheria, neoplasm of the esophagus, neoplasm of the pharynx, vocal cord nodules, nodules of the gullet, abscess, laryngitis, paralysis of the voice box, neoplasm of the neck, bubo, tonsilitis, sore throat, epiglottitis, polyps of the uvula, hoarseness, stammering, aphasia, etc are the main diseases of the throat.


    Dr. Mana Bajra Bajracharya
    Ayurvedic Clinic
    Mahabouddha, Kathmandu, Nepal

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