Herpes: The Ayurvedic Concept

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    Sarsapi or Sarsapika is the Ayurvedic term for Herpes. Sarsapi literally means the mustard-like blister. There are two kinds of Sarsapi: one is called “Shukaja Sarsapi” (Herpes Genitalia) and another is called “Pramehaja Sarsapi” (Herpes Simplex). Both have the same characters, however, their etiologies are different. 

    Herpes Genitalia

    Ayurveda points out that Herpes Genitalia is caused by a poisonous moss, which is allergic to someone. The poisonous moss is called “Shuka or Jalojashuka”. The powder of it is used to rub on the penis to increase the bulk of it for sexual pleasure. The texts of sexology talk a lot about it. It is well-investigated that anyone who uses it, can have herpes genitalia, and the person who has herpes can transfer it as a contagious disease through sexual intercourse. Therefore it is included in venereal disease. 

    Herpes genitalia by itself, is not a harmful disease, but the recurrent infection is the problem, which causes depression and sexual disturbances. 

    Ayurveda indicates that the morbid condition of the patient who has the problem of recurrent herpes infection is characteristic of the pathogenic defect of blood (Raktadosha) and the disordered function of the lymphatic duct system including the mucous membrane (Kaphadosa). 

    The pathogenic defect of blood means the presence of a pathogenic agent of herpes (poisonous moss) in the blood. In the process of blood circulation, the pathogenic agent of herpes derived from the blood vessels mixes into the lymphatic fluid, which causes the disordered function of the lymphatic duct system including the mucous membrane. In this condition, exudation and blockage result in the accumulation of pathogenic agents in the cutaneous lymphatic surface. That, in fact, in certain aggravating conditions, causes the infection with mustard-like blister. It stays for a few days and disappears even without treatment. Ayurveda points out that the inflectional stage not being properly treated and disappearing can be the cause of recurrent infection.

    Herpes Simplex

    Herpes simplex can be classified into two categories: one is concerned with the pathogenic defect of fat and another is related to the pathogenic defect of blood. The pathogenic agent of herpes, in the process of filtration, escapes from the blood vessels and mixes with lymphatic fluid. This fluid can destroy the coagulating property of fat resulting in less coagulating liquid fat. In this condition, the infection of herpes simplex is very common. It is well investigated that for the person who is suffering from the urinary disease (Prameha), the infection of herpes simplex is very often seen because, in the case of urinary disease, the structure of fat loses the natural coagulating property. In regard to this fact, the case of herpes simplex concerned with the fat defect is included within the urinary disease (Prameha). 

    The case of herpes simplex, which is concerned, with the pathogenic defect of blood, is included within the disease of the mouth. In this case, the pathogenic agent of herpes, which causes blood defects, often has been aggravated with fever. Ayurveda considers that the pathogenic agents of herpes simplex concerned with blood defects can be derived from the blood in the process of bloodletting practice. Regarding this viewpoint, whenever the temperature of the body goes high, the pathogenic agent of herpes simplex escapes from dilated blood vessels mixes with lymphatic fluid, and causes infection. The mucous membrane of the mouth, which has a direct link with the lymphatic junction of the palate, is the most sensitive area for herpes simplex concerned with blood defects.

    Causes of Herpes

    It is well investigated that the poisonous moss is the fundamental cause of herpes; however the patient of herpes, in the morbid stage of infection, can pass through contact. Also, a person who is allergic to the poisonous moss is indeed more susceptible to having herpes infection with contact. This is the general theory. 

    In regard to the location of herpes infection, the aggravating causes of herpes can be classified into three categories; sexual intercourse, fever, and urinary disease.

    Overindulgence in sex, by nature, causes injuries to the soft tissues of the genitalia surface. In this condition, the delicate blister of herpes breaks easily and defiles someone’s injured tissues that have contact with herpes infection. The incubation period of herpes infection of the recurrent infection depends upon the condition of the blood. The reaction of blood, if is acidic, whatever may be the cause of it, symptoms of infection can be developed very quickly. The reaction of blood, if is alkaline, the infectional problem can be delayed or there may not be any infection at all. Because the pathogenic agent of herpes can not be active, if the reaction of blood is alkaline. Alkaline blood is considered as clean blood, which is very important for health. 

    In the case of urinary disease, whatever may be the character of it, the natural structure of fat loses its coagulating property. In this stage, the infection of herpes, which can be seen most affected on the chest, back, and lumber area, is very common. The abnormal mucous exudation from the bodily mucous membrane is salty in taste. The salty mucus, whatever may be the cause of it, can destroy the coagulating property of fat and cause the problem of urinary disease including the infection of herpes simplex, which affects the surface of the back, chest, etc. 

    The herpes simplex concerned with fever depends upon the inner bodily heat, which is higher, comparatively the heat of the bodily surface. Fever, in general, is the state of temperature, which is high outside the body and low in the inner organs. But, the fever, which does not follow this rule, can be the cause of herpes simplex infection affecting the mouth part. 

    NOTE: Ayurveda has no idea of viruses.

    Symptoms of Herpes

    The infections of herpes are identified as mustard-like small blisters, which are reddish pink in color or reddish yellow or light pink. Mild pain with an itching sensation or burning sensation is the main noticeable symptom. The herpes of the mouth or lips is a little more painful because it develops an ulcerated lesion. Sudden onset of infection with mild fever or without fever is characteristic of it. It stays for a few days, breaks the blisters, and disappears when it is dry. But, if it is not properly treated the recurrent infection can be a long-standing problem, causing unpleasant mood. 

    The person who has herpes genitalia feels guilty and gets sexual disturbances. That in the chronic stage may be a cause of impotency. It is well investigated that the person who is suffering from herpes genitalia can have very easily some other venereal diseases. 

    Cold sore or herpes simplex of the lip often appears when the fever goes down. During this time, the patient feels weak and irritated without reason. 

    Herpes simplex concerned with urinary diseases can have some other problems of boils, pimples, and the symptoms of related urinary diseases. 

    In general, it is very important to pay attention to the sudden onset of herpes. Infection is very common during the period of upset or distress or angry mood.

    Prevention of Herpes

    No sexual intercourse during the period of infection. It is very important to pay attention. Not to have a recurrent infection, herpes should be treated as soon as possible. 

    Tight underwear is prohibited. It causes wetness, which is one of the aggravating causes of infection.

    The condition of acidosis of blood should be fixed as soon as possible. Pure blood should be alkaline in reaction. 

    Sleeping during the day, especially after meals, is strictly prohibited. It causes exudation, which is one of the aggravating causes of infection. 

    Distressing or angry moods should be counteracted with delicious food, music, and friendly entertainment. 

    Kissing is prohibited when still cold sore has not well healed. Urinary diseases should be treated well with proper diet.

    General Ayurvedic Treatment of Herpes

    The general treatment of herpes, whatever the location is based on healing drugs, medicine for cleaning the lymphatic duct system, and blood-cleaning medicine. 

    The healing drug for external use contains some bitter and astringent components. The bitter component helps to neutralize the toxic agent accumulated in the infected area and the astringent component plays a role in healing. The cutch compound with Azadirachta indica (Khadiradi Churna) is one of the most effective drugs for external use. To use it, the blisters have to be scratched out and washed well; infection disappears within three or four days of application. 

    The medicine for cleaning the lymphatic duct system contains some drugs, that stop mucous exudation, open the blockage and dilate the capillaries for proper filtration. Alarasayana, a compound made with purified sulfur and some other herbs, is one of the best medicines. It is prescribed for 2-3 months to take regularly. 

    Blood cleaning medicine, in general, is based on components, that maintain the alkaline reaction of blood, neutralize the toxic agents, and promote to excrete the bodily dirt e.g. bile, uric acid, etc. Guduchiyoga, a compound of Tinospora cordifolia, Balsamodendron mukul, and some other herbs, is one of the most effective medicines. It is prescribed for 2-3 months without a break.

    Specific Ayurvedic Treatment of Herpes

    The herpes simplex concerned with urinary diseases has to be treated with appropriate drugs for particular infections along with the general treatments of herpes. Chandraprabhavati, a compound of Camphor with bitumen, some other herbs, and minerals, is a general remedy against any disease of urine. It maintains the coagulating property of fat and promotes the excretion of bodily dirt e.g. bile, uric acid, etc. 

    The cold sore has to be treated with laxative medicine, a general tonic, and the general remedies for herpes. Lolimbaraja, a compound of Senna leaf with some other herbs, is a harmless laxative to prescribe in the treatment of cold sores. Prabala Bhasma (Coral or Coral ash) is the best general tonic to prescribe in the treatment of cold sore or herpes simplex concerned with inner fever.

    Prohibited Foods

    • Acid foods and fruits;
    • vinegar;
    • yogurt;
    • alcoholic beverage;

    Prohibited Behaviors

    • Sleeping during the day;
    • anger;
    • anxiety etc.


    Dr. Mana Bajra Bajracharya
    Ayurvedic Clinic
    Mahabouddha, Kathmandu, Nepal

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